Advance preparation for interviews helps you know what you want to say ahead of time, which helps you articulate your thoughts in a clear, concise manner.
Step 1: Identify your skills, interests, and career goals before you arrive at the interview.
Step 2: Research and study your prospective employer. Learn about their services or products, the number of employees, the financial situation, competitors, problems, the management style, culture, and employee benefits.
Step 3: What you wear is important. Impressions are formed during the first few minutes of the interview. Dress appropriately for the organization. Convey an image of professionalism.
Step 4: You may wish to carry a briefcase or a professional-looking notebook with your questions written in advance. Used appropriately, a portfolio can put you ahead of other job candidates and make the difference in getting a job offer!
Step 5: Follow-up is essential after all interviews. Be sure to write a thank-you note to your interviewer. If you have met with more than one person, which is fairly standard during the second interview, send a thank-you note to each person. This letter is an opportunity to add any important information in support of your application that you may have neglected to mention or emphasize in the interview.
Mock Interview Program: To schedule a mock interview, contact the Student Success Center at (319) 352-8615.