Welcome New Students


We are so excited you are Wartburg bound and will be joining our community in the fall. This is the start of an incredible journey where you will experience more than you ever thought imaginable. Use this site to help organize and guide your arrival to campus, so that you feel as prepared as possible as you officially begin life as a Knight! 

  • Your transition will start with SOAR Day (Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration), where you will be registered for classes, fill out your housing form, get your student ID, and more.  
  • Your New Student Checklists on My.Wartburgguide you to complete certain tasks, such as parking registration, health forms, and emergency contacts.  
  • New Student Orientation introduces you to your new community while preparing you for success beyond the first year.  
  • The first-year seminar, SEM 100, is designed to introduce you to academic and campus life, as well as an upperclass peer mentor.
  • As a first-year student, you will be supported in your transition within our First Year Residence Halls 

Still have questions? She can help!

Lindsey Leonard

Associate Dean of Community Life

June  Request any and all college transcripts to Wartburg (remember, we need these from the college even if these are listed on the high school transcript)
 July 7 On-campus position openings for the fall will be posted on Handshake.
 Mid-July Email from Business Office with preliminary bill (also sent to authorized Transact users) Review final class schedule in My.Wartburg through the Student Schedule link. Have questions? Email regoffice@wartburg.edu
 July 15-Aug. 15 Start loan application for Federal PLUS Loan and/or private loans if you are planning to use these to help pay for your 2025-26 academic year
 July 15 Housing assignments available on My.Wartburg
 Beginning Aug. 1   Order your course materials after reviewing your final class schedule. Log into Wartburg.Textbookx.com to review required materials, compare prices, and secure your textbooks. Order your course material at least two weeks prior to the start of the term. It takes 3-5 days for delivery if ordered through the online portal. 
 Early August Email from your Orientation leader with information for fall orientation
 Aug. 15 Move-in email with instructions for your move to campus. If you are participating in a fall sport that is moving in early, you will receive your information from your coach. 
 Aug. 25 International student move-in
 Aug. 26-29 International Student Orientation
 Aug. 30 First-Year student move-in
 Aug. 30-Sept. 2 New Student Orientation
 Sept. 1 Transfer student move-in
 Sept. 1-2 Transfer Student Orientation
 Sept. 3 First day of classes

The full academic calendar will have many of the other dates you need throughout the school year, including breaks!

If this is your first time living on your own, you’re probably excited, nervous and maybe even a little overwhelmed. You have so much to do. And buy. But, where to start? Use the list below and our partnership with Dormify or our Amazon shopping list, with direct links to many of the items you might need, to get started . Don’t forget to check with your roommate(s) to see what they are planning to bring.


  • Bedding (sheets for a twin XL size bed)
  • Blankets
  • Garbage Can
  • Needle/Thread
  • Pillow
  • Plastic crates
  • Plastic hangers
  • Sheets


  • Bowls
  • Dish towel
  • Dishwashing soap
  • Glasses
  • Paper Towels
  • Plates
  • Silverware


  • Aspirin
  • Band-Aids
  • Body soap/wash
  • Kleenex
  • Mirror
  • Nail Clippers
  • Razors
  • Shampoo/Conditioner
  • Tweezers


  • Alarm Clock
  • Computer (if you have one)
  • Desk Lamp or Clip Lamp
  • Extension cord 
  • Fan
  • Mini Fridge (no more than 5 cubic ft.)
  • Microwave (no exposed heating element appliances are allowed)
  • Powerstrip
  • Cell Phone
  • Smart Television (bring streaming service boxes like Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, etc. if not a smart TV)

Fun Stuff/Other

  • Camera
  • Carpet remnants 
  • Deck of Cards 
  • Pictures of family/friends
  • Posters (for your walls)
  • iPod/mp3 player and speakers
  • Watch


  • Dryer sheets
  • Iron
  • Laundry basket
  • Laundry soap
  • Shower shoes
  • Shower tote
  • Stainstick or spot remover
  • Towels

Office/Course Materials

  • 3-hole punch 
  • Backpack
  • Calculator
  • Folders
  • Highlighters
  • Markers
  • Notebooks
  • Pencils
  • Pens
  • Printer paper
  • Stapler
  • Stationery
  • Tape (scotch, masking, and sticky tack or 3-M hooks for walls)
  • Pets, except fish in a 30-gallon tank or smaller; no piranhas.  
  • Extension cords, multiple plug adapters, and surge protectors with more than 6 outlets. 
  • Alcohol, if you are under 21, or alcoholic containers for display
  • Candles and incense (prohibited for safety reasons).
  • Air conditioners, unless you have a documented medical need on file with the Residence Life Office.Toasters, toaster ovens, electric skillets, hot plates, George Foreman grills, space heaters, Pizza Pizzaz, and other electrical appliances with exposed heating coils (fire hazard). 
  • Guns, knives, fireworks, and other weapons. 
  • Wireless routers. All halls have wireless routers, so personal routers are not needed.
  • Duct tape, masking tape, nails, or thumb tacks intended for hanging wall items. 
  • Halogen lamps and multiple head spider lamps. These types of lamps are particularly prone to starting fires because they are prone to tipping and may ignite items like curtains, bedding, lofts, or clothes if placed under or near them.

Does Wartburg offer health insurance?
Wartburg does not offer, nor require, students to carry health insurance; however, the college strongly encourages students to have health care coverage.

What if I get sick?
You can call the Noah Campus Health Clinic at ext. 8436 or visit the website to make an appointment to be seen by our staff. The clinic is located in Suite 1392 of the Wartburg-Waverly Sports & Wellness Center. Noah Campus Health Clinic is a comprehensive out-patient clinic on Wartburg College’s campus that can meet most health needs of students, faculty, and staff. Medical conditions that go beyond the scope of the campus health clinic are referred to off-campus providers.

What about security in the residence halls?
Wartburg has Area Coordinators and Security staff members on duty 24 hours per day, 365 days each year. Resident Assistants perform duty rounds in their halls to ensure safety in each building. Residence hall doors are locked 24/7 for added security. Students have access to the buildings with their ID card.

Can I bring a car to campus?
All students may bring one vehicle to campus. They must register it with Campus Security. Students commuting from home may register more than one vehicle. All vehicles must be registered, regardless of duration. Always park in one’s assigned student parking lot pending receiving a parking decal or, if not registered, park in D Lot until a decal can be arranged.

If I like to hunt, where can I store my equipment?
Ammunition and weapons may not be kept in student rooms or vehicles. Students who wish to have a weapon for hunting purposes must store the weapon and ammunition with the Wartburg Campus Security Office.

Where do I find dining information?
The dining web page is full of resources, including meal plans, dining options, and special diet support.

How do I get involved on campus?
Campus involvement, especially in the first year, is an early predictor of success! Wartburg has more than 100 campus groups, organizations, music ensembles, and athletic teams for students to join. You will have the opportunity to participate in the Involvement Fair during your New Student Orientation, which will help you get connected to student groups and clubs that might interest you while exposing you to all that Wartburg has to offer. 

First-Year Residence Halls

Does Wartburg have a residential policy?
All full-time students must live on campus. Representatives of the Student Life Office review all submitted applications for off-campus approval. Criteria that is heavily considered include the student being married, having dependents, living with a parent or legal guardian within 30 miles of the campus, or is 23 years old by Sept. 1. Students who move off campus without permission will continue to be charged for campus room and board. Students should plan on living on campus the entire duration of their Wartburg education. Click here for information about gender-inclusive housing.

Can I see my room during the summer?
Once you receive your housing assignment letter, you can find your room dimensions on our website. We welcome you visiting campus to view your room prior to move-in, however you will need to work with the Residential Life Office to ensure your room will be available for viewing and someone will be available to accompany you on the day/time you would like to come.

When do I move into my residence hall?
First-year and transfer students will receive move-in information mid-July. Student-athletes participating in fall athletics will receive specific information about early arrivals, such as date, time, and check-in location, from their coach in collaboration with Residential Life.

Can I build a loft in my room?
Lofts are no longer permitted in the first-year residence halls. Bunking beds or utilizing plastic bed risers is recommended.

Who can I go to in the residence halls if I have a question?
Area Coordinators are trained professional staff members who oversee assigned buildings, manage resident assistants, adjudicate disciplinary conduct issues, act as a liaison with facilities management, and promote positive living-learning environments. Professional staff members are assisted by trained student staff who live in each hall.

Resident Assistants (RAs) are selected and trained student leaders who assist residents by peer counseling, advising, mediating conflicts, providing programs, maintaining community standards and assisting in orientation to collegiate life. RAs play a key role in creating an environment for students that is conducive to academic, personal, and social growth and development. RAs are friends, resources, mentors, role models, and community leaders.

What is the visitation policy?
Guests may visit for a maximum of 72 hours at any one time. Non-students aren’t permitted to stay on campus longer than three consecutive nights, even if that guest changes their host. Visitors should always be accompanied by their host and should never have direct access to buildings or rooms through the use of student ID cards or room keys. Wartburg College reserves the right to revoke visitation rights for specific hosts or visitors when the policy is abused and/or the visitation is negatively impacting the living-learning environment.

When are quiet hours?
Quiet hours are from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. Sunday-Thursday and midnight to 8 a.m. Friday and Saturday. During quiet hours, noise should not be audible outside of a resident’s room with the room door closed. All students are expected to respect other students’ rights to study and sleep free from interruptions. Courtesy hours exist at all other times. Simply stated, you need to respect requests from other students to keep all noise down to an acceptable level.

Can I stay in my room during campus breaks?
Students are permitted to reside on campus during our three major breaks (Christmas, Winter,  and Tour Week). The cost to remain on campus during break is $25.00 per day. This charge will be waived if a student meets one of the following criteria:

  • A student is required to stay for an in-season NCAA athletic event (verified by coach)
  • A student is required to stay for an academic reason (verified by faculty)
  • A student is required to stay for an on-campus job (verified by supervisor)
  • A student lives more than 500 miles from campus

Students will be sent additional information prior to each break, including a link to register and a deadline to complete break housing registration.

Do I need insurance for my housing?
The college does not assume liability for loss or damage to a student’s personal items. Students and their parents are encouraged to insure their personal property. It is a good idea to review your home owner’s insurance to verify coverage and to consider renter’s insurance, if necessary.

Wartburg College has a 10 gigabit internet connection offering transformative benefits for students. This high-speed connectivity enables virtual discussions and group collaborations, overcoming physical distance barriers. Beyond its educational benefits, our 10GB connection promotes innovation and creativity through support for bandwidth-intensive activities like virtual reality simulations and high-definition multimedia production. Additionally, students can enjoy ultra-fast gaming, HD streaming, seamless video chat, and social media experiences.

Most students bring a laptop computer to campus. There is not a specific brand or operating system that is recommended for all, though we do recommend avoiding Chromebooks. Recommendations by department are offered below. 

No Preference

Languages, Literatures & Cultural Studies
Mathematics, Computer Science & Physics
Journalism & Communication
Health and Human Performance

Windows-Based Laptop

Business Administration, Accounting & Economics
Social Work
Social Sciences

Apple Macbook


All residential halls, lounges, and academic areas have WiFi coverage. It is recommended that you bring an ethernet cord to connect your computer to the wall network jacks in your residence hall room, which will give you significantly better speed in the halls. 

We offer support for gaming systems, smart devices, and streaming services on our network, though certain streaming platforms may be unavailable due to regional restrictions. Google Chromecasts are not supported due to security vulnerabilities. 

Wartburg is a Microsoft Office 365 campus providing Office 365 tools to active students at no additional cost. This includes Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, and other productivity applications. This can be installed on up to five devices. Installation instructions are available.

There are 18 network printers across campus. Every student is allocated $33 per term for printing, which is roughly 250 pages. Instructions on how to print are available. 

More information to guide your technological transition, including how to connect to the network, FAQs, and more are available on our Quick Start Guide

Wartburg College does not house physical books in The Wartburg Store, so students need to make plans for purchasing materials through other vendors. To view and purchase required and recommended textbooks and course materials, visit the Wartburg.TextbookX.com, which offers:

  • Personalized list of registered courses and the textbooks/course materials that are assigned to each course
  • Free shipping on retail orders over $49
  • New, used, eBooks, & rental textbook formats
  • Cost comparison tools for a variety of book vendors
  • Quick ordering process – complete your purchase in 5 minutes!
  • Year-round access to post and sell any textbooks – you name the price!

When you log in with your student account, all courses, required materials, and prices are displayed for courses in which students are currently enrolled. Textbook orders delivered directly to campus will be available for pick-up at the Mail Center.

Did you know enrolled Wartburg College students are allowed to charge up to $1,000 at the Wartburg College Online Bookstore to their student tuition account? This option is available for a limited time from Aug. 1 through Sept. 30. To be clear – you will be required to pay these charges during the term after these appear on your monthly statement, but it offers a convenient option to purchase materials.

You can take advantage of this opportunity by going to the Wartburg.TextbookX.com adding course materials to your shopping cart, then selecting the opportunity to charge to your account.

More information is available at Wartburg Store website.