Spiritual Life and Campus Ministry is your home for faith, religion, and spirituality. Find connection, presence, and purpose in your life as a college student.

  • Overseeing all religiously affiliated student organizations (faith expression groups).
  • Organizing worship, rituals, and special events that build community and promote spiritual wellness.
  • Providing individual or group support and care during times of joy and challenge.
  • Promoting connection to one another and the world beyond campus through service opportunities.
  • Championing the college’s Lutheran roots while joyfully reaching for the experiences and perspectives of other traditions and worldviews on our diverse campus.

We seek to meet the spiritual and religious needs of our diverse campus community while also building bridges of compassion and understanding through interfaith engagement.

Upcoming Events

Reconciling in Christ

Spiritual Life and Campus Ministry has received a “Reconciling in Christ” designation, which means that the office is fully supportive, welcoming, and affirming of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We also strive for racial and ability equality in our office and beyond. This is in line with our college’s values of diversity and inclusion.


There are many ways to integrate your faith and spirituality into your college experience. Volunteer as a chapel leader, work in our office, or get involved with one of these student-led groups.

Catholic Knights –– Gather with other Roman Catholic students for fellowship and learning. Mass takes place on campus four times a year

Fellowship of Christian Athletes –– Combine your love of sports and the Christian faith.

Gospel Choir - Share the rich tradition of gospel and praise with the campus community.

Hope Overflow – Travel with a worship band and be of service to others.

Muslim Student Associatioon (MSA) – Connect with other Muslim students for community and practice.

Sanctuary Band - Help create a worshipful atmosphere through music at weekly Sanctuary gatherings.

Sanctuary - Recharge and renew with a relaxed time of Bible study, conversation, music led by students, prayer, and communion.

Story Circles - Story circles create spaces of belonging for students to share their stories and deeply listen to their peers.

Reach out to Chaplain Maggie if you would like more information on any of these groups.

Weekday Chapel
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays

10:15–10:35 a.m., Wartburg Chapel
A 20-minute service for worship and reflection. There are no classes during Chapel time, so you can pause and breathe during a busy day. Services are livestreamed.

9-10 p.m. Chapel Commons (lower level)
Recharge and renew with a relaxed time of Bible study, conversation, music led by students, prayer, and communion. Come at 8:45 p.m. for snacks and community. During nice weather, Sanctuary may be held outside.

Story Circles
 2nd and 4th Wednesdays

7 p.m., Spiritual Life Offices (3rd floor Chapel/Skyway)
Looking for a place to belong? Story circles create spaces of belonging for students to share their stories and deeply listen to their peers. All religious and secular beliefs are welcome.

Grief Support Group
1st Wednesdays of the Month

7 p.m., Spiritual Life Offices (3rd floor Chapel/Skyway)
Space and place for students who have lost someone they love. All religious and secular beliefs are welcome.

Local Congregations
Many area churches have student-focused ministries. We would love to connect you with a congregation that fits you.

People meet with chaplains for a variety of reasons and sometimes for no reason at all! Chaplains are good listeners who are skilled in guiding individuals through a variety of interests or concerns, including…

  • times of crisis or grief
  • relationship struggles
  • big questions: about faith or religion, meaning and purpose (we sometimes call this vocation), spirituality and justice, etc
  • check-ins just for fun over coffee or tea
  • confidential processes: Chaplains are a confidential resource that can assist in bias or Title IX related care while connecting students to other resources as desired
  • discerning what’s next for your life’s journey

Just a note: You do not need to identify as religious or spiritual to meet with Chaplain Maggie. Chaplains meet with people from a diversity of worldviews and values.

SLCM at Wartburg openly welcomes and affirms people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions, and strives for equity on our campus and in our world.

You can make an appointment with Chaplain Maggie by sending her an e-mail, stopping by the SLCM office, or signing up for an appointment here.

Statement on Religious Accommodations and Coursework
Wartburg College is both rooted in the Lutheran tradition and open to varied expressions of faith in our community. Because of this, all students are encouraged to explore and practice their religious traditions. If you have a specific religious observance that conflicts with a course requirement, please speak with or communicate in writing with the professor within the first two weeks of class to request reasonable accommodation where necessary and work out alternate plans if needed. This may include holiday observance, routine scheduled prayer, or travel related to a significant religious occasion. Additional resources, advocacy, information, and support are available through the Office of Spiritual Life.

Religious Support and Accommodations
The Office of Spiritual Life is the on-campus resource for all things related to religious accommodations and support. Chaplain Maggie Falenschek, Dean of Spiritual Life, is trained in accompanying and providing support for all religious traditions and worldviews. The Office of Spiritual Life can assist students in getting connected with local religious communities, peer groups on campus, and access to items and space needed for religious practice.

Prayer Spaces
There are two quiet prayer spaces on campus. The Lilly Reflection Room is located in the Student Center near the Mensa. The Interfaith Prayer Room is located in the Chapel Commons (basement). Both spaces include prayer rugs, meditation cushions, sacred texts, and other items used in prayer, reflection and meditation. These spaces do not need to be reserved and are available to students whenever the buildings are unlocked.

Bidets for ritual purification
Students with private or semi-private bathrooms are able to have bidets installed on their toilets for ritual purification. Students should purchase their own bidet and coordinate with Residence Life to have it installed by maintenance. Assistance is available through Spiritual Life for students who cannot afford to purchase a bidet.

Dietary Needs
Dining services has Halal prepared food options and are looking to add more where possible. During Ramadan, students can obtain food through their food plan and stay within the restrictions of fasting from sunup to sundown. Students who do not find the options sufficient have the option to be refunded for the portion of their meal plan they are not able to use during Ramadan. The Office of Spiritual Life can assist with food costs associated with community meals to celebrate religious holidays. The Ubuntu Center Kitchen contains a wide range of spices that can be used to make traditional foods.

Students can request gender specific housing through Residence Life. New in 2024-25, an interfaith suite will provide a space for students to live in intentional community and learn about different religions and worldviews. Students who apply and are selected for the Interfaith Suite will receive special training from in interfaith engagement from Interfaith America and will serve as leaders on campus, teaching their peers about the religious diversity on campus and how to build bridges across religious difference. Applications are due in February through Residence Life.


Masjid Al-noor Islamic Community Center (20 miles)
2110 Sager Avenue, Waterloo IA
(319) 233-6640 | CfwMasjid@gmail.comI
mam: Munir Zahirovic Friday Khutbah 12:55 p.m.
Transportaion to the Masjid is available on the first Saturday of each month for Maghrib prayer and a community meal. Reserve transportation here.

Sons of Jacob Synagogue (18 miles)
715 Progress Ave, Waterloo, IA 50702
(319) 233-9448 | soj.iowa.office@gmail.com
Rabbi: Rebecca Kushner

Hindu Temple & Cultural Center of Iowa (129 miles)
33916 155th Ln. Madrid, IA 50156
(515) 795-2635 | admin@htcciowa.org
Priests: Dr. Khimanand Upreti, Pt. Vasudevakumar

Des Moines Zen Center (Zen Buddhist) (139 miles)
6901 SW 14th St. Des Moines, IA 50315
Sunday and Wednesday practices

Garchen Mila Buddhist Center (Tibetan Buddhist) (103 miles)
209 E Washington St, Suite 200, Iowa City, IA 52240
(937) 244-1961 | sangha@milarepaiowa.org
Sunday practices

Sikhs of Iowa Khalsa Heritage (135 miles)
Johnston gurudwara
4820 NW 59th Avenue, Johnston, IA 50313
(515) 229-7808
Sunday Worship (Kirtan and Ardaas) begins at 11:30 a.m.

Wartburg’s EPIC (Educational Partnerships in Covenant) program is a cooperative venture with congregations of the three Iowa synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in Iowa. The EPIC program refers to a matching grant program that is available to ELCA congregations across the United States.

ELCA Congregations: Individual congregations who are new to EPIC enroll in the program by filling out the enrollment form and annually completing a participation form listing student names and the amount of the congregational gift.  Wartburg College will match congregational gifts up to $750 per academic year per student.

Who can qualify? Any full-time student who is a member of an ELCA congregation and who has fulfilled their congregation’s requirements to receive an EPIC gift from the congregation.  Students and families who are interested should first of all be in conversation with their congregations.  Congregations that already participate in EPIC need to fill out an annual participation form.

Pool of Remembrance

More than 300 stones from locations across the United States and around the world fill the Pool of Remembrance on the west side of the Wartburg Chapel. Sent by congregations and institutions, the stones signify the important link between the college and the people who provide Wartburg with students and support its mission with their prayers and gifts.

To zoom in use the + and – buttons on the map.

Note to church leaders and parents: Help your ELCA congregation support young adults as they pursue their education at a Lutheran college or university by starting or supporting a congregational scholarship program. If you would like some ideas on how to do this, contact the Admissions Office at 800-772-2085 or via email at admissions@wartburg.edu.

Dining Accommodations
The Mensa closes Monday-Friday at 7 p.m. and at 6:30 p.m. on the weekends. Students who are fasting are able to use two swipes to take away both a meal for iftar and suhor the following day. Please visit the Dining Services Office to pick up a second container to be used during Ramadan. There are meal transfer options in the Den and Konditorei including non-perishable grab and go breakfast options in the Den. Students who do not anticipate using much of their meal plan during Ramadan may apply to have the portion not used refunded. See Zafrul Amin if you wish to use this option.

Academic Accommodations
You may request reasonable classroom accommodations from faculty for scheduled prayer, travel, or other observances. Please contact your professors as soon as possible.

Campus Iftar
March 25, 7 p.m., Castle Room

We will begin by breaking the fast with dates and water then enjoy a tasty meal together as a community. There is no cost to attend but registration is required from this form.

Diers House
The Diers House will be open extended hours for prayer and meal preparation. If you wish to cook a meal in the Diers House, please sign up using the QR code in the kitchen. Students are responsible for keeping the space clean for all to use and properly cleaning up all meal supplies and dishes.

Prayer Spaces

  • Diers House (includes access to bidet)
  • Lilly Reflection Room (near the Mensa)
  • Interfaith Prayer Room (chapel commons)

Waterloo Masjid: 2110 Sager ave. Waterloo IA

  • Friday/Saturday/Sunday – Sponsored Community Iftar at sunset.
  • Nightly Prayers Isha and Taraweeh – Daily after 8:30 p.m. during Ramadan.
  • Fridays at 12:50 p.m. Khutbah.
  • Eid-al Fitr April 10, 8:45 a.m.- Short sermon, prayer, and breakfast.

Transportation to Masjid Al Noor:
Limited transportation from campus for Friday Khutbah will be provided beginning March 15. Transportation will leave campus at noon (12 p.m.) from the student center parking lot and return after the service.

Eid-al Fitr
Donuts and Coffee, 10:15-10:35 a.m., in the Chapel Commons (basement)


Completed in 1994, the Wartburg Chapel is the center for campus worship and faith expression groups. It is also utilized for concerts, weddings, funerals, and church and community events.



Karen Black

Cantor and College Organist, Professor of Music, Rudi Inselmann Endowed Professor in Organ

Maggie Garberg Falenschek

Chaplain, Dean of Spiritual Life, Herbert and Cora Moehlmann Chaplaincy Chair

Wendy Mohlis

Office Coordinator for Spiritual Life & Campus Ministry and Counseling Services