Four Wartburg College students recently attended the National Character and Leadership Symposium hosted by the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo.

Sophomores JaNiya LaBeaux, Bethany Christians, Anastasia Wentworth and DJ Witt attended as part of Wartburg’s Baldwin Leadership Fellows Program. The two-day symposium gives participants the opportunity to hear from speakers with inspiring stories of character and leadership while exploring various dimensions of character and leadership.

Students also had the opportunity to meet Col. Kurt Wendt, director of the Center for Character and Leadership Development, and Scott Mercier, a former Olympic cyclist and author of “Win True: How You Win Matters On and Off the Bike.” Wendt is the son of Dennis and Ann Wendt, who are both Wartburg graduates.

“My experience has re-inspired me to be my own kind of leader, whatever that may be, and moving forward I will always remember these two things that we discussed with Colonel Wendt and Scott Mercier,” said Wentworth. “One, take care of your people, and two, have integrity.”

The Baldwin Leadership Fellows Program was created to honor the contributions of Mark and Peggy Baldwin to the college. Each year, first-year students are nominated and must apply to participate. The four selected participants must commit to the program for the remainder of their time at Wartburg with the goal of expanding the conversation about leadership education and civic engagement on campus. Participants have the opportunity to participate in professional development events, mentor their peers and implement civic engagement projects.

“My experience at the Air Force Academy for the National Character and Leadership Symposium was extraordinary,” Christians said. “I was able to listen to and observe many incredible men and women and learn about their leadership journeys.”