Patricia Dietz
Patricia Dietz
Justin Schedtler
Justin Schedtler
Kristin Wendland
Kristin Wendland

The Wartburg College Board of Regents has approved tenure and promotion for three professors:

  • Patricia Dietz Parsons, an assistant professor of exercise science. She earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree from the University of Northern Iowa and a doctoral degree from the University of Kansas.
  • Justin Jeffcoat Schedtler, assistant professor of religion. He earned his bachelor’s degree from St. Olaf College. He later earned master’s degrees from Luther Seminary and the University of Minnesota and a doctorate from Emory University.
  • The Rev. Kristin Wendland, assistant professor of religion. Wendland earned her bachelor’s degree from Wartburg College, a Master of Divinity and Master of Theology from Luther Seminary, and a doctorate from Princeton Theological Seminary.

They will be promoted to associate professor in September.

The board also approved emeritus status for Thomas Payne, professor of art.