O. Jay and Pat Tomson

O. Jay and Pat Tomson

A second $150,000 challenge grant, provided by O. Jay and Pat Tomson of Mason City, will support scholarships for students enrolled in Wartburg College and Wartburg Theological Seminary’s Integrated B.A./M.Div. Degrees Program for ordained ministry.

The program, a partnership between the Lutheran-affiliated college and seminary, streamlines the preparation for pastoral ministry for first-career ministerial students. Funded by a nearly $500,000 grant from the Kern Family Foundation, the program includes three years of undergraduate education at Wartburg College with at least one semester using the Wartburg Theological Seminary digital learning platform. Students will spend the final three years serving in a congregation while completing their master’s studies through Wartburg Seminary. Students can choose among 12 undergraduate majors and can become a Lutheran minister in six years instead of eight.

“The collaboration of Wartburg College with Wartburg Seminary to encourage students who desire to serve as clergy and obtain both a Bachelor of Arts degree and Master of Divinity without incurring burdensome debt is a very worthwhile endeavor,” said O. Jay Tomson. “The program is still in its infancy, but it is growing, already showing very positive results at both institutions. It will be exciting to watch as this unfolds.”

The collaborative program was one of about 60 recommendations that stemmed from Wartburg College’s Focus on the Future constituent-based planning initiative. Among the list were recommendations to brand Wartburg in new and emerging markets and to pursue new partnerships.

“This challenge grant was an important way for us to support the mission of the college as well as the mission of the seminary,” said O. Jay Tomson. “It’s wonderful to see a college of the church and the seminary working together to bring leadership into the church at a younger age, and as a donor it was an opportunity to support this academic innovation and allow students to enter into the work environment debt-free. We hope through the challenge grant other donors will see and act upon this same opportunity.”

The first round of scholarship support applied to students who enrolled in 2018 and 2019. This new challenge grant is available to students who plan to enroll in the program in 2020. Students who receive this scholarship will also receive a scholarship from the Kern Foundation, along with other financial aid from Wartburg College.

“The Holy Spirit has been at work in building this program,” said the Rev. Brian Beckstrom, Wartburg College’s dean of spiritual life and coordinator for the program at college. “It hasn’t always been easy, but at every bend in the road God has shown up by providing exactly what we needed to move forward. Much of the success of the program can be attributed to the generosity of the Tomsons, and gifts like theirs make this program attainable for students.”

In its second year, enrollment in the program doubled from three to six students. The program goal is to enroll 10 new students each year.

“Numbers tell part of the story,” said Beckstrom. “What is harder to convey is the excitement that these students have brought to campus. They’ve jumped right in to campus ministry, and God has developed a great sense of community among them. Every single incoming student is in the program because someone recognized their gifts and encouraged them to visit campus and check out the program. I invite everyone to prayerfully consider who God might be calling to ministry in their congregation or community and reach out to them about the Integrated B.A./M.Div. Degrees Program.”

Gifts in support of Integrated B.A./M.Div. scholarships can be directed to the Wartburg Development Office at 866-219-9115 or development@wartburg.edu. Details of the program are available at www.wartburg.edu/ordained-ministry.