Wartburg College is seeking friendship families for new international students who will be arriving this month for the 2015-16 academic year.

More than 30 new students from 21 countries are expected on campus this fall, according to Helen Leong, director of international student services. Approximately 150 international students have enrolled at Wartburg.

Friendship families do no house or act as advisers or financial sponsors to the international students. They simply meet with their student(s) throughout the year to share meals and participate in a variety of cultural activities. More than 100 Waverly-area families participate in the program.

“My friendship family has broadened my view of the American culture and given me a family to go to when I need someone,” said Connie Luo, a senior from Belize studying psychology and neuroscience.

The college hosts potluck dinners for the students and friendship families during the Fall and Winter terms.  

For more information, visit www.wartburg.edu/intlprog or contact Wendy Mohlis, Friendship Family coordinator, at 319-352-8745 or wendy.mohlis@wartburg.edu.