Wartburg College social work students are seeking donations for the 28th annual Holiday Shoppe, Dec. 8-9, at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Waverly.

In 2013, donors provided gifts for about 550 children from low-income families in Bremer County. Everyone is invited to help make this year just as successful by donating gifts for these children who may otherwise go without this holiday season.

Christmas trees, decorated with ornaments bearing gift requests for different age groups, are now in Mensa, the Konditorei, Wartburg Chapel and The W. Trees also were put up throughout the community. Gifts can be returned to the trees or the Department of Social Work office on the second floor of Old Main.

Started by the Bremer County office of the Iowa Department of Human Services in 1986, Holiday Shoppe came under the supervision of Wartburg’s Department of Social Work two years later. DHS continues to help students select potential recipients.

“Holiday Shoppe is a great way for students to engage in community involvement and help serve those who need some assistance during the holidays,” said Karla Rubio, the Holiday Shoppe event coordinator.

For more information, contact Lynn Peters, Holiday Shoppe project manager, at lynn.peters@wartburg.edu.