A program that provides Northeast Iowa foster parents time to themselves needs more volunteers.


Respite Options of Northeast Iowa offers in-home, certified respite care, replacing the need for parents to leave children in another foster home when taking a day off or vacation. 


Through a $25,000 contract with the Iowa Department of Human Services, the program, started in four counties by the Wartburg College social work department and the Allison Area Foster Parent Association, now serves 23 counties. The growth has included partnerships with the social work departments at Luther and Loras colleges, yet a demand for care providers remains.


“We’re hoping to attract even more college students and other interested adults,” said Nancy Magnall, project coordinator.


Training will be offered in the Waverly area beginning in January, and in Dubuque beginning in February. The program has trained nearly 70 volunteers, including college students, former foster parents and adult children of foster families.


Providers must be at least 20 years old, complete an application and certification process, and be able to make a one-year commitment. While this is not a paid position, providers receive a small stipend and help with mileage costs incurred for respite care.


Those interested should contact Magnall at 877-467-4100, 319-352-3600 or magnall_ifapa@msn.com.