Stay fit for the holidays with classes at the Wartburg-Waverly Sports & Wellness Center.

Four-week sessions of Boot Camp, K2XL, and TRX Fit will begin Monday, Nov. 26 and run through Friday, Dec. 21. A five-week session of Aqua Zumba will meet on Saturday mornings, Nov. 24-Dec. 22. A 10-day Jump-Start Your Fitness class starts Monday, Dec. 3.

“These classes are open to all area residents,” said Nilan Lansing, assistant director of group fitness. “Fees are lower for members of The W, but taking a class is a good way for nonmembers to try out facility without committing to a monthly membership fee.”

Boot Camp involves bodyweight and weighted movements, teaches proper exercise techniques, and offers a nutritional program and pre- and post-session measurements. Classes meet 5:30–6:30 a.m. Monday/Wednesday/Friday.

K2XL incorporates kickboxing, metabolic conditioning and strength training to test all fitness levels. Classes meet 5:30–6:30 a.m. Monday/Wednesday/Friday.

TRX Fit is a body weight suspension program that develops strength and endurance while increasing flexibility. Classes meet 5:30-6:15 a.m. Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday.

Aqua Zumba fuses low-impact, easy-to-follow moves with Latin rhythms to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program in the pool. Classes meet 8:15-9:05 a.m. Saturday.

Jump Start Your Fitness runs for 10 consecutive days, beginning Monday, Dec. 3, skipping Friday, and ending Thursday, Dec. 13. It emphasizes exercise and conscious dieting to achieve optimal health. The class includes pre- and post-session weigh-in, body composition testing and measurements, 30-minute metabolic conditioning workouts, nutrition journal and nutrition guide and a free T-shirt. Classes meet at 7:30 pm. Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m. Saturday and 6 p.m. Sunday.

Register at The W Welcome Desk. More information is available online at or by contacting Lansing at 319-352-8715.