From dreaming about to doing sports reporting

Zach Hiney runs the Knight Vision camera during a basketball game.

By Addie Nabholz ’25

Zach Hiney ’25 stays busy on campus. As the editor-in-chief for the Wartburg Trumpet newspaper, an announcer for Knight Vision, and a full-time journalism and communication student, Hiney is gaining real-world experience while still taking classes.

“I’ve gotten to do a lot of cool things at Wartburg. For Knight Vision, I have traveled to Las Vegas to cover the Desert Duals, and I announced for the two playoff football games this year,” said Hiney. “For the Trumpet, I’ve interviewed so many different people, and it’s always fun to be able to hear different perspectives and opinions.”

Hiney also completed an internship last semester.

“I did a lot of work during Fall Term 2023 when I interned under KatieJo Svenson in sports information. She’s great, she knows her stuff, and is very organized. Working under her was great, I really enjoyed what I did,” Hiney said.

After graduation, Hiney plans to jump right into his field.

Zach Hiney

“My dream job would be to work with a sports team. I’m hoping to get an internship with one this summer. But if not, I would love to write, report, and cover sports as well. It’s always been my passion ever since I was a child,” said Hiney. “I’ll write for anything, but sports have always been the thing I’ve found myself drawn to.”

Hiney was not always aware of what he wanted to do after graduation.

“I started out as a business major. I took some classes and discovered it wasn’t for me. I had always enjoyed writing, and I thought I was a pretty good writer, so I switched to journalism and communication,” he said.

Within his new major, Hiney found campus organizations that he enjoyed.

“I joined the Trumpet staff my sophomore year, and my junior year Knight Vision was advertising the announcing position more. As someone who really enjoys sports and has watched a lot in my life, I thought it’d be fun to hop behind the mic and try it out,” said Hiney. “I really, really, really loved it. It’s very nerve-racking at first, but once the game starts, it’s just natural. It’s something that comes easy to me.”

Hiney believes these experiences and his Wartburg classes have set him up for success after college.

“Being able to do this stuff at a college level and gain that experience is what’s going to push me ahead of where I would have been elsewhere. Wartburg is really good at having these opportunities for students,” said Hiney. “I feel more prepared for my career outside of college because I’ve already been doing this stuff in college. It won’t be as big of an adjustment.”