Zak Montgomery

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

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More about Zak Montgomery

Harry and Polly Slife Professorship in Humanities

B.A., Kalamazoo College
M.A., Ph.D., Indiana University

Dr. Montgomery earned a B.A. in Economics and Business from Kalamazoo College, an M.A. in Hispanic Literature, and a Ph.D. in Portuguese Literature with a comparative emphasis on Spanish and Portuguese literatures from Indiana University. He speaks Spanish and Portuguese, and has studied in or traveled to many Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries. He regularly leads a May Term course to Costa Rica for Spanish majors/minors at Wartburg, and has led Spanish immersion courses to Wartburg West in Denver, Colorado. Dr. Montgomery also teaches a service-learning course, SP315 Latinos in the United States, where students work alongside Latinos in the local community, and he currently serves as the Harry & Polly Slife Chair in the Humanities. His research interests include U.S. Latinx identity in educational contexts and Luso-Hispanic comparative literary studies.

May Term

Teaching interests:
Spanish and Portuguese languages
Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian literatures and cultures
Languages for specific purposes
Service-learning pedagogy
Latin-American cinema

SP204 Intermediate Spanish I
SP206 Intermediate Spanish II
SP260 Hispanic Culture (abroad in Costa Rica during May Term)
SP315 Latinos in the United States (service-learning)
SP317 Cinemas of Latin America
SP318 Contemporary Spain
SP320 Spanish Language and Composition
SP321 Spanish for the Professions
SP322 Spanish for Health Professions
SP325 Spanish Translation and Interpretation
SP461 Perspectives in Hispanic Culture (capstone)
IS201 Living in a Diverse World: Race, Class and Gender in Brazil

Montgomery, Zak K. “A New Iberian Social Critique: Clarín’s Reception of Guilherme de Azevedo’s Revolutionary crónicas.” Hispania 103.4 (2020): 593-602.

Montgomery, Zak K. “Poetic Prophecy of a nueva religión: Antero de Quental’s Reception in Nineteenth-Century Spain.” Luso-Brazilian Review 55.1 (2018): 27-50.

Montgomery, Sarah E., Zak K. Montgomery, Sarah Vander Zanden, Ashley Jorgensen, and Mirsa Rudic. “Cultivating the Collective: Exploring the American Dream with Sixth Graders.” Social Studies Research & Practice 13.1 (2018): 31-45.

Montgomery, Zak K., Sarah E. Montgomery, Elizabeth Silbernagel, Anne Epley Birtwistle, and Yvonne Ayesiga. “‘You’re not Latino, You’re American’: Heritage Learners of Spanish Navigate Issues of Cultural Identity in Higher Education.” College Student Affairs Journal 36.1 (2018): 17-31.

Montgomery, Zak K., and Serena B. O’Neil. “Writing our own América: Latino/a Middle School Students Imagine their American Dreams through Photovoice.” Reflections: Public Rhetoric, Civic Writing, and Service Learning 17.1 (2017): 36-68.

Montgomery, Zak K. “Cartas Apologéticas that Cracked the Espelho Crítico: Gertrudes Margarida de Jesus and Enlightenment Proto-Feminism in Portugal.” Romance Notes 56.2 (2016): 175-186.

Montgomery, Zak K., Serena Ugoretz, Sarah Montgomery, Sarah Vander Zanden, Ashley Jorgensen, and Mirsa Rudic. “Reconsidering the American Dream and U.S. Latino Culture in a College Spanish Service-Learning Course.” Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education 6.1 (2014): 3-16.

Montgomery, Zak K. “O fantástico como ferramenta do discurso anticolonialista em A Jangada de Pedra de José Saramago e O Desejo de Kianda de Pepetela” [The fantastic as a tool of anti-colonialist discourse in Saramago’s Stone Raft and Pepetela’s Kianda’s Desire]. Identidade! 18.1 (2013): 103-111.

Montgomery, Zak K. “The Reception of the Portuguese Generation of 1870 in Spanish Literary Criticism.” In Studies in Honor of Heitor Martins. Ed. Darlene J. Sadlier. Luso-Brazilian Literary Studies Volume 3. Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2006.