Michael Bechtel
Associate Professor of Science Education
More about Michael Bechtel
M.Ed., University of Wisconsin, 2007
Ed.D., Edgewood College, 2012
Current Research/Areas of Interest
I am interested in STEAM fields (specifically the general fields of biology, chemistry, agriculture, and physics) and educational practices (constructivism, metacognition, student-teacher relationships, academic retention, HOTS, STEAM, NGSS, etc.). Two special areas of interest are biophilia (as described by E.O. Wilson and supported by H. Gardner) and the interweaving of content, andragogy, and content andragogy (as described by J. Ogden). I am currently working on the creation of classroom aquaponics lessons/systems (used in several school districts in more than six states).
1. moving focus from dependence to self-direction
2. growing a reservoir of experience to serve as a resource for learning
3. orienting learning towards developmental tasks
4. applying classroom learning to real-life challenges
The realm of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, agriculture, and mathematics) education is an interesting field that allows for intertwining endeavors built from each individual discipline (sciences/mathematics and education). I work to assist students with forming their own approaches to teaching (and understanding) science.
I taught the sciences in public schools, community colleges, technical colleges, and university systems in three states (Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin) for the first 19 years of my career. Besides three PK-12 teaching licenses, I also have Director of Curriculum, Principal, and Superintendent certifications.
The Ioponics system I created in partnership with Wartburg College students was selected for funding by the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council in 2021, 2022, and 2023. Because of that funding, this interactive system is now in 70 Iowa counties. In 2023, I was the runner-up in the adult category of the annual Cox Conserves Heroes award program for making a positive impact on the environment.
I also have received awards from the Kennedy Center/Stephen Sondheim (’16), Chellevold (’15), Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers (’13), Gustav Ohaus (’12), WKBT (’10), Horace Mann (’09), Central High School (’08), Wartburg College (’07), Saydel High School (’02, ’01, ’00, ’99, ’98), and Iowa Academy of the Sciences (’00) for teaching performance and interactive lesson planning. My personal interest in biophilia focuses on exotic animal and herpetile husbandry.
BI 120 Science of Water
BI 131 Biology of Ordinary Things
BI 250 Introductory Research
BI 281 Field Experience Mentor
BI 295 Ecology and Culture of the Amazon II
BI 315 Ornithology
BI 371 Animal Research
BI 470 Secondary Content Methods: Biology
CH 450 Chemistry Independent Study (Advanced Inorganic/Chemistry Education)
CH 450 Chemistry Independent Study (Chemistry of Ordinary Things)
CH 470 Secondary Content Methods: Chemistry
ED 483 Student Teacher Supervision
ED 488 Middle School Teaching
GM 295 Ecology and Culture of the Amazon I
IS 101 Asking Questions, Making Decisions
LS 281 Field Experience
LS 371 Internship
LS 450 Independent Student Learning
MA 470 Secondary Content Methods: Mathematics
PBH 255 Applied Public Health Practice
PBH 455 Applied Public Health Research
PHY 120 Science of Water
PHY 130 Physics of Ordinary Things
PHY 132 Earth Science
PHY 450 Independent Study and Research
PHY 470 Secondary Content Methods: Physics
SCI 385 Elementary Science Methods
Mail address
Biology Department
Wartburg College
100 Wartburg Blvd
PO Box 1003
Waverly, Iowa, USA 50677-0903