Luz Navarrete

Wartburg West Director

More about Luz Navarrete

Luz was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. Her parents immigrated to Denver from Mexico in the 1980s. Her experience growing up as a first-generation high school and college graduate drove her passion to work with youth and expose them to different opportunities. She has worked as a school social worker for Denver Public Schools and Cherry Creek Schools and at a nonprofit youth mentoring organization, connecting students with mentors and providing them college and career counseling. Luz is passionate about experiential learning. She studied abroad in Spain during her time at Colorado State University and has taken students abroad to Spain and Argentina. Luz believes in the impact that experiential learning can have on one’s personal values and professional goals and is committed to growing and improving Wartburg West. She is excited about her new role and would love to connect with Denver alumni at 303-860-7119 or