Wartburg will help you grow into the person you want to be

NAME: Grant Meth
HOMETOWN: Marion, Iowa 
MAJOR: Physical education

ON-CAMPUS INVOLVEMENT: Football, Dance Marathon, National Society of Leadership and Success

WHY WARTBURG: I really liked everything about the school, and it felt like home. I was impressed with the academic and athletic programs here. I am also a third-generation Wartburg student.

HOW DID YOU DECIDE ON YOUR MAJOR: I was unsure when I came here, but I always thought about education. I chose endorsements in 5-12 Health and 5-12 Science because they incorporate a lot of the things I am interested in and passionate about. 

WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS AFTER GRADUATION: I would like to find a teaching job in either middle school science or elementary-middle PE in the Midwest. I would also like to coach. 

HOW HAS WARTBURG SET YOU UP FOR SUCCESS IN YOUR FIELD: Wartburg has helped me learn from a lot of great professors, local teachers in my field experiences, and provided me with many great experiences that have helped me grow as a person.

Grant Meth

HOW DID WARTBURG HELP YOU BE INVOLVED:  Everyone is very understanding that most every student on campus is involved in some sort of extra-curricular. They do a good job of supporting us and providing resources for us to be successful.

ADVICE FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS: Wartburg has an environment of excellence that will help you grow into the person that you want to be.

WHY IS WARTBURG WORTH IT: You meet a lot of great people here who make it worth it.