The Wartburg Chapel

The Wartburg Chapel, completed in 1994, serves as a center for Spiritual Life and Campus Ministry work, including faith initiatives and partnerships across campus. The sanctuary space is the center for campus worship and is also utilized for concerts, weddings, funerals, The Graven Award convocation, and church and community events. The chapel commons (lower level) includes a classroom/conference room, storerooms, and a large space for community gatherings, faith expression groups, small groups, meals, and fellowship events. The third floor of the chapel, accessed from the building’s skyway level, houses a Spiritual Life and Campus Ministry office suite, with a reception area, conference room, and pastor offices. Many Wartburg alumni choose to get married in the Wartburg Chapel.


Quick Facility Highlights

The sculptural representation of a Neuendettelsau “Lebenskreuz,” or “Cross of Life,” depicts the Seven Acts of Mercy found in Matthew 25:35-40. These acts, also known as the Parable of the Judgments, were a source of inspiration for Wartburg’s founder, Wilhelm Löhe, who also founded a social ministry enterprise still operating today in his hometown of Neuendettelsau in Bavaria, Germany.

More than 300 stones from locations across the United States and around the world fill the Pool of Remembrance on the west side of the Wartburg Chapel. Sent by congregations and institutions, the stones signify the important link between the college and the people who provide Wartburg with students and support its mission with their prayers and gifts.

The chapel organ has 22 stops and 32 ranks; a total of 1,771 pipes playable from two manuals and pedal. Like the chapel, which takes its inspiration from the architecture of German parish churches, the organ’s tonal character was inspired by the old German Baroque organs.

Dobson Organ Specifications – Lynn Dobson (1996)

Bourdon 16
Prestant 8
Rohrflöte 8
Octave 4
Quinte 2 2.3
Super Octave 2
Cornet TC, Mounted  V
Mixture IV
Trompete 8
Swell to Great  
Subbass 16
Principal 8
Posaune 16
Pedal Unison Off  
Pedal Octave  
Great to Pedal  
Swell to Pedal  
SWELL (Expressive)  
Gedackt 8
Viol di Gamba   8
Viol Celeste GG 8
Principal 4
Flöte 4
Nasat 2 2/3
Octave 2
Terz 1 3/5
Scharf IV
Krummhorn 8
Tremulant Affects entire organ
Mechanical key action   
Electric stop action
Solid-State Combination Action with 32-Level Memory
Free standing solid maple case
Kellner tuning

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Chapel Seating
Chapel Seating
Chapel at dusk
Chapel at Dusk
Home Choir Concert
Home Choir Concert
Chapel Balconies and Organ
Chapel Balconies and Organ
Lebenskreuz Cross
Lebenskreuz Sculpture
Ash Wednesday Chapel
Ash Wednesday Chapel
Ein Feste Burg and Pool of Remembrance
Ein Feste Burg and Pool of Remembrance
Baptismal Font
Baptismal Font
Chapel Cross Window
Chapel Cross Window
Dancing St. Francis Sculpture
Dancing St. Francis Sculpture
Chapel Garden
Chapel Garden
Wartburg Chapel East Facade
Wartburg Chapel East Facade