Career fair connection leads to job offer

By Addie Nabholz ’25

Bailey Sinnwell, Wartburg’s 2024 Outstanding Senior in business administration, did not shy away from involvement in either academics and athletics. Those achievements led her to secure a full-time job as a marketing technician at Professional Office Services in Waterloo pending graduation this May.

While at Wartburg, Sinnwell was a member of the women’s tennis team, studied abroad in Europe during May Term, was inducted into Phi Eta Sigma, and was a member of Wartburg LEAD, the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, and National Honor Society.

Securing a job in her field before graduation was quite an accomplishment. She credits Wartburg’s Career and Internship Showcase for connecting her with the opportunity.

“Since then, I’ve continued talking to them and now I’ll be working with them after graduation,” said Sinnwell.

Sinnwell acquired skills at Wartburg that helped her land the job.

Bailey Sinnwell

“Communication with both my classmates and my professors was a huge aspect of what I learned. I’d also say everything I know about Microsoft has come from my business courses at Wartburg,” said Sinnwell.

Within those business classes, some professors have stood out for Sinnwell.

“Dr. Allan Bernard, Dr. Susan Meyeraan, and Dr. Mel Gonnerman, all helped me build my confidence. They also portrayed certain characteristics in their leadership that I would like to take on going forward,” said Sinnwell.

Though she appreciated her time in Waverly, Sinnwell’s favorite memory from Wartburg actually took place in Europe.

“My trip was amazing because of the great group of people I was with, the organization, and the experience to learn in other countries throughout the month,” she said.

Wartburg’s tight-knit community will be missed by Sinnwell, especially her roommates and her family of teammates and coaches on the tennis team.

“I was blessed with amazing roommates throughout my time at Wartburg. My roommates and my team have helped me get through a lot. They were all very encouraging both on and off the court,” said Sinnwell.

Sinnwell has some advice for current and future Wartburg students.

“Take on every and any opportunity you can to get better and not settle for anything. There are always ways to improve what you do,” said Sinnwell.