Register online or sign up at the Welcome Desk
Register online or sign up at the Welcome Desk
The American Red Cross program provides lifeguards with skills to keep patrons of aquatic facilities safe in and around water. This class includes training in First Aid and CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer. Participants must be at least 15 years of age before the end of the course to enroll. Lifeguard/First Aid & CPR/AED certifications are valid for two years. Participants must attend all three class sessions in order to obtain certifications. To receive the associated certification, participants must satisfactorily demonstrate all Lifeguarding, First Aid, and CPR skills, and pass the course written exam with at least a score of 80%.
Precourse: At the beginning of the course, all students must successfully complete two prerequisites.
Prerequisite 1 – Swim-Tread-Swim Sequence
1) Swim 150 yards using the front crawl, breaststroke or a combination of both (swimming on the back or side is not permitted, swim goggles are allowed)
2) Maintain position at the surface of the water for 2 minutes by treading water using only the legs.
3) Swimming 50 yards using the front crawl, breaststroke, or a combination of both.
Prerequisite #2 – Timed Event
Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds.
1) Starting in the water, swim 20 yards (face may be in or out of the water, swim goggles are allowed).
2) Surface dive (feet-first or head-first) and retrieve a 10-pound object.
3) Return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return to the starting point, holding the object at the surface with both hands and keeping the face at or near the surface.
4) Exit the water without using a ladder or steps.
No refunds will be given to persons who fail any part of this course.
Register online or at the Welcome Desk. The deadline to register is two weeks prior to the first day of each class.
Feb. 21, 5-10 p.m.
Feb. 22, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Feb. 23, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Code: LG2
March 14, 5-10 p.m.
March 15, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
March 16, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Code: LG3
April 4, 5-10 p.m.
April 5, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
April 6, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Code: LG4
May 16, 5-10 p.m.
May 17, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
May 18, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Code: LG5
No refunds will be given after deadline: In fairness to all participants, each withdrawal from a program will be assessed a $5 processing fee. If a medical problem arises during the activity/class, a physician’s written excuse must be presented stating that participation is restricted. In the case of a medical excuse, a percentage of whatever class time remains will be refunded. If the program/activity is canceled by the department, you will get the choice of having a full refund issued to your account or a refund check issued to the person who paid for the enrollment.
Location: The W indoor pool & wet classroom. Class schedules will be handed out of the first day.
Fee: $200
The Lifeguard Review Course is a way to renew your current certifications. Participants should come prepared to successfully demonstrate their practical skills and pass the written exams. Participants must pass the pre-course swim exam, written exam, and skills check. Certification received upon fulfilling course requirements: Lifeguard, First Aid CPR for the Professional Rescuer (valid for 2 years).
Prerequisites: Individuals with a current Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED or Shallow Water Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED certificate may participate in a review course. Proof of current valid American Red Cross issued Lifeguard certification is required to participate in the course.
Register online or at the Welcome Desk. The deadline to register is two weeks prior to the first day of each class.
Feb. 15, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Code: LGR2
March 23, 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
Code: LGR3
April 12, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Code: LGR4
May 4, 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
Code: LGR5-1
May 10, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Code: LGR5-2
Fee: $125
Course Requirements: Participants must attend and participate in all subsequent sessions including class room work and skills practice. To receive the associated certification, participants must satisfactorily demonstrate all Lifeguarding, First Aid, and CPR skills, and pass the course written exam with at least a score of 80%.
Course Length: 9.25 hours No refunds will be given after deadline: In fairness to all participants, each withdrawal from a program will be assessed a $5 processing fee. If a medical problem arises during the activity/class, a physician’s written excuse must be presented stating that participation is restricted. In the case of a medical excuse, a percentage of whatever class time remains will be refunded. If the program/activity is canceled by the department, you will get the choice of having a full refund issued to your account or a refund check issued to the person who paid for the enrollment. No refunds will be given to persons who fail any part of this course or fail to show proof of previous certification.
The WSI class is a class that provides knowledge and skills necessary to teach swimming lessons and other water safety classes through understanding how to use course materials, how to conduct training sessions, and how to evaluate participant progress. Students must attend all classes to receive certification. Must be at least 16 years of age before the end of the course.All participants must complete and pass a quiz, which is an additional $35 payable to the Red Cross. Candidates then must complete the full WSI course and pass the WSI exam to obtain certification. No refunds will be given to persons who fail any part of this course.
Location: The W indoor pool
Fee: $265
Max. Enrollment: 12
Min. enrolment: 3
Deadline: TBD No refunds will be given after the deadline. In fairness to all participants, each withdrawal from a program will be assessed a $5 processing fee. If a medical problem arises during the activity/class, a physician’s written excuse must be presented stating that participation is restricted. In the case of a medical excuse, a percentage of whatever class time remains will be refunded. If the program/activity is canceled by the department, you will get the choice of having a full refund issued to your account or a refund check issued to the person who paid for the enrollment.
The LGI class trains instructor candidates to teach basic-level Lifeguarding, Shallow Water Attendant, Lifeguard Management, and CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer. Candidates must attend all classes to receive certification. Must be at least 17 years of age before the end of the course. At the completion of the course, LGI candidates will need to pass the LGI exam to obtain certification.
Register online or at the Welcome Desk.
Max Enrollment: 4
Min Enrollment: 2
Location: The W indoor pool. Class schedules will be handed out of the first day.
Fee: $300
If a medical problem arises during the activity/class, a physician’s written excuse must be presented stating that participation is restricted. In the case of a medical excuse, a percentage of whatever class time remains will be refunded. If the program/activity is canceled by the department, you will get the choice of having a full refund issued to your account or a refund check issued to the person who paid for the enrollment.
The American Red Cross Community CPR Class teaches the skills necessary to prevent, recognize, and provide basic care for breathing and cardiac emergencies in adults, children, and infants until advanced medical personnel arrive. The American Red Cross First Aid course gives individuals the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and provide basic first aid care for injuries and sudden illness until advanced medical personnel arrive. Certifications are valid for two years.
Register online or at the Welcome Desk.
Register online or sign up at the Welcome Desk
Swim lessons include all levels of the American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim Program. Lessons are taught by American Red Cross certified water safety instructors. Learn-to-Swim teaches aquatic and safety skills in a logical progression. The objective is to teach people of all ages to swim and to be safe in, on, and around the water and give students a positive learning experience. Click below for a detailed description of the skills taught at each level.
Guests should bring their own towels for the pool and/or shower as one will not be provided.
If you have questions about our swim lesson options, please call 319-352-8311.
Parents and children learn together to increase a child’s comfort level in the water and build a foundation of basic skills, such as arm and leg movements and breath control. The two levels are fun-filled and help introduce water safety concepts, encouraging a healthy recreational habit that your entire family can enjoy.
Provides experiences and activities for children to:
• Learn to ask for permission before entering the water.
• Learn how to enter and exit the water in a safe manner.
• Feel comfortable in the water.
• Explore submerging to the mouth, nose and eyes and fully submerging.
• Explore buoyancy on the front and back position.
• Change body position in the water.
• Learn how to play safely.
• Experience wearing a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket.
• Plus age-appropriate water safety topics.
Builds upon the skills learned in Parent/Infant and provides experiences and activities for children to:
• Establish expectation for adult supervision.
• Learn more ways to enter and exit the water in a safe manner.
• Explore submerging in a rhythmic pattern.
• Glide on the front and back with assistance.
• Perform combined stroke on front and back with assistance.
• Change body position in the water.
• Experience wearing a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket in the water.
• Plus age-appropriate water safety topics.
Throughout the three levels, preschool-age children are taught basic aquatic safety and swimming skills, all the while increasing their comfort level in and around the water. Skills are age-appropriate, helping children achieve success on a regular basis and enjoy social interactions with other children. As in all Swimming and Water Safety courses, your child will always know that it’s safety first.
Preschool Level A — Orients children to the aquatic environment and helps them gain basic aquatic skills. Minimum age: 4 years old, up to 5 years old
• Enter water using ramp, steps or side
• Exit water using ladder, steps or side
• Blow bubbles through mouth and nose
• Submerge mouth, nose and eyes
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects
• Front glide and recover to a vertical position
• Back glide and recover to a vertical position
• Back float
• Roll from front to back and back to front
• Tread with arm and hand actions
• Alternating and simultaneous arm and leg actions on front
• Alternating and simultaneous arm and leg actions on back
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back
• Plus age-appropriate water safety topics
Preschool Level B — Helps children gain greater independence in their skills and develop more comfort in and around water. Recommended ages: 4 and 5 year olds
• Enter water by stepping in from a deck or low height
• Exit water using ladder, steps or side
• Bobbing
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects
• Front float
• Back glide and float and recover to a vertical position
• Roll from front to back and back to front
• Tread water using arm and leg actions
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back
• Finning arm action on back
• Plus age-appropriate water safety topics
Preschool Level C — Helps children start to gain basic swimming propulsive skills to be comfortable in and around water. Recommended ages: 5 & 6 year olds
• Enter water by jumping in
• Fully submerge and hold breath
• Bobbing
• Rotary breathing
• Front, jellyfish and tuck floats
• Front and back float or glide and recover to a vertical position
• Change direction of travel while swimming on front or back
• Tread water using arm and leg actions
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back
• Finning arm action on back
• Plus age-appropriate water safety topics
Designed to help participants achieve maximum success, Learn-to-Swim courses are based on a logical, six-level progression that helps swimmers of varying ages and abilities develop their water safety, survival and swim skills.
Level 1—Introduction to Water Skills. Minimum age: 6 (must be 6 years old at the start of class, no exceptions)
Helps participants feel comfortable in the water.
• Enter water using ramp, steps or side
• Exit water using ladder, steps or side
• Blow bubbles through mouth and nose
• Bobbing
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects
• Front and back glides and recover to a vertical position
• Back float
• Roll from front to back and back to front
• Tread water using arm and hand actions
• Alternating and simultaneous arm and leg actions on front
• Alternating and simultaneous arm and leg actions on back
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back
• Plus age-appropriate water safety topics
Level 2—Fundamental Aquatic Skills
Gives participants success with fundamental skills.
• Enter water by stepping or jumping from the side
• Exit water using ladder, steps or side
• Fully submerge and hold breath
• Bobbing
• Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects
• Rotary breathing
• Front, jellyfish and tuck floats
• Back glide and recover to a vertical position
• Front glide and recover to vertical position
• Roll from front to back and back to front
• Tread water using arm and leg actions
• Change direction of travel while swimming on front or back
• Combined arm and leg actions on front and back
• Finning arm action
• Plus age-appropriate water safety topics
Level 3—Stroke Development
Builds on the skills in Level 2 through additional guided practice in deeper water.
• Enter water by jumping from the side, fully submerge then recover to the surface and return to the side
• Headfirst entries from the side in sitting and kneeling positions
• Bobbing while moving toward safety
• Rotary breathing
• Back float
• Survival float
• Change from vertical to horizontal position on front and back
• Tread water
• Flutter and dolphin kicks on front
• Scissors and breaststroke kicks
• Front crawl and elementary backstroke
• Plus age-appropriate water safety topics
Level 4—Stroke Improvement
Develops confidence in the skills learned and improves other aquatic skills.
• Headfirst entries from the side in compact and stride positions
• Swim under water
• Feet first surface dive
• Survival swimming
• Open turns on front and back
• Tread water using 2 different kicks
• Front and back crawl, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, sidestroke and butterfly
• Flutter and dolphin kicks on back
• Plus age-appropriate water safety topics
Level 5—Stroke Refinement
Provides further coordination and refinement of strokes.
• Shallow-angle dive from the side then glide and begin a front stroke
• Tuck and pike surface dives, submerge completely
• Front flip turn and backstroke flip turn while swimming
• Front and back crawl, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, sidestroke and butterfly
• Sculling
• Plus age-appropriate water safety topics
Level 6—Swimming and Skill Proficiency
Refines the strokes so participants swim them with ease, efficiency, power and smoothness over greater distances. Level 6 is designed with “menu” options that focus on preparing participants for more advanced courses, including the Water Safety instructor course, or other aquatic activities, such as competitive swimming or diving. Each option also includes applicable water safety topics. The level 6 class will be taught in the summer and will be held at the Waverly Outdoor Pool.
Adult Arranged Private Swim Lessons (NEW)
Lessons will be available in October, November, January, February, March, and April. Register online or at the Welcome Desk.
Cost: $70 for 4 25-minute lessons
Private/Arranged Lessons
Private lessons may be taken at any skill level. These lessons aretaught at a one participant to one instructor ratio for 25 minutes. Lessons do not need to be completed by session end date. Lessons will not start before the start date of each session. Requests submitted after ending date will be honored during the next private lesson session. After you register an instructor will call you to line up a lesson time. Please submit a current phone number and allow 5-10 business days to schedule lessons.
The W Swim Club provides a high-quality fall/winter/spring swimming program. The program is for the competitive swimmer and the child new to a swim team. Please contact Anne Duncan at with questions.
Requirements: Participants must be at least 6 years old at the start of the session, have completed Level 2 of the American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim program, and be able to swim one lap of The W pool without stopping, using the front crawl in one direction and back crawl to return.
Expectations: Swim Club allows swimmers regular pool access to develop their skills and endurance. Most of the time coaches are on deck, not in the water. We will instruct on stroke improvements but not in the same way swim lessons do. If you seek swim instruction please utilize private lessons or upper-level swim lessons until your swimmer is ready.
Levels: Swimmers and practices are separated into two levels based following the American Development Model (ADM) adapted to USA Swimming. Groups are divided based on swimming competence levels under this model and details can be found at the previous link, but here is a summary.
Schedule: The year is divided into three seasons.
Practice schedule:
Swimmers working above ADM Level 2 are encouraged to swim on Tuesdays and Thursdays independently with provided workouts.
Evaluations: If you aren’t sure what level is best for your swimmer, join the team for the first practice of each month for an evaluation with the coaches.
Competitions: Participation in competitions is encouraged, but not required. Participants compete as members of our local USA Swimming-sanctioned team, Big Six Swim Club. The tentative practice schedule is available online. Participation in competitions will require a USA Swimming and Big Six Swim Club membership.All levels of the swim program will follow USA Swimming methods and practices. Participants will not be allowed to make up sessions due to scheduling conflicts. It is the responsibility of the participants to ensure they can attend the session times.
Level 1: The swimmer exhibits competence in front crawl and back stroke, can control body position in the water, and begin to develop the butterfly and breaststroke kicks.
Dates: Nov. 11, 2024-Feb. 16, 2025*
Time: Mondays 4-5 p.m., Wednesdays 4-5 p.m., Saturdays 9-10 a.m.
Code: L1W
Fee: $198
Level 2: The swimmer exhibits competence in all four legal strokes, including streamline, starts, turns, and finishes, and is building endurance for long swims.
Dates: Nov. 11, 2024-Feb. 16, 2025*
Time: Mondays 4-5 p.m., Wednesdays 4-5:30 p.m., Saturdays 9-10:30 a.m.
Code: L2W
Fee: $220
*No planned practices Dec. 23-28.
Practices will not be held if W-SR cancels school or dismisses early due to inclimate weather. Must wear a swim cap and provide your own goggles.