From history buff to future museum professional
From history buff to future museum professional
NAME: Acacia Biehl
MAJOR: History
ON-CAMPUS INVOLVEMENT: Dance Marathon, History Club
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE WARTBURG: When I stepped foot on campus it immediately felt like home!
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR MAJOR: I’ve always had a passion for history. Combining my love for museums and the fascination I had with them was a route I didn’t know I could take!
WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS AFTER GRADUATION: I will attending Western Illinois University for one year in their museum studies graduate program.
HOW DID YOUR WARTBURG EXPERIENCE PREPARE YOU FOR THE NEXT STEP: It taught me the valuable lessons of working collaboratively as well as expressing my thoughts and opinions. It also taught me how to have interpersonal relationships with professors and mentors.
WHO HAS BEEN A MENTOR FOR YOU ON CAMPUS: Dr. Terry Lindell! Not only was he my mentor but also my adviser. Without Dr. Lindell there to help guide me, I don’t believe my time at Wartburg would have been as sound as it was.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WARTBURG EXPERIENCE: Meeting all of my friends at Wartburg! Wartburg wouldn’t have been the same without them.
WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU NEVER IMAGINED YOU WOULD DO BEFORE COMING TO WARTBURG: Join Dance Marathon and be on the executive team! It was one of the greatest decisions I have made with my time at Wartburg. I met amazing people in the organization, met amazing miracle families, and made a difference in the world.
WHAT ADVICE DO YOU HAVE FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS: Pick a major and a passion you love and want to pursue. It makes the experience better and you will find friends throughout your time at Wartburg. Also, put yourself out there. It is important on a small campus. Talk to your classmates, make connections and you will have a great time at Wartburg!