Advantages of the Wartburg Biology Department
- 11:1 student-to-faculty ratio
- Broad liberal arts education with emphasis on academic excellence (Alpha Chi & TriBeta honoraries)
- A small-college environment, more personal attention, and greater opportunities to excel without the pressure and impersonal nature of large classes
- A caring and highly qualified faculty
- All faculty have earned doctorate (ten more in math/computer science/physics)
- Numerous opportunities for on- and off-campus individual projects, independent study, and field experience
- Environmental studies minor
- Biochemistry major
4-4-1 Calendar
- Fall (4 courses), Winter (4 courses), May (1 course). May Term allows students to explore a field experience or do research that can continue through the summer.
- Innovative on- and off-campus courses during May Term: Marine Science, Caribbean Biology, Aquatic Biology, Immunology, Microbial Ecology, Gender and Science, Biotechnology, Environmental Chemistry, Science and Religion, Ecology of Prairie Vertebrates, Neotropical Experience.
Field Experience/Independent Research Study
- Research with Wartburg faculty: diatom ecology, cancer, microbiology, conservation of urban green spaces, photochemistry of transition metal compounds, evolutionary genetics
- Field work and research experience with environmental agencies: Nature Conservancy; natural resource departments in Iowa, Colorado, Minnesota & Nebraska; county conservation boards; Osborne Nature Center in Elkader; Heery Woods; and Hartman Reserve
- Accompanying and observing health professionals as they see patients in hospitals and private clinics
- Research opportunities at universities and institutions: Iowa, Minnesota (including its Hormel Institute Division), Iowa State, Illinois State, Michigan, Kansas, Mayo Clinic, Baylor, Marshfield Medical Research Foundation, Kentucky-Lexington, Texas-Galveston, Colorado-Denver Medical Center, North Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
- Research opportunities in industry: Monsanto Agrichemical, Pierce Chemical Company, Pioneer Hybrids
- Research opportunities (summer and semester-long) at national energy laboratories: Argonne, Pacific Northwest, Brookhaven, Oak Ridge Laboratories, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Internships in Tanzania and Ghana, Africa; England; and Denver, Colo.
Extracurricular Activities (professional schools encourage such participation)