Brand Guidelines

This brand guide will provide you with the tools needed to consistently use the Wartburg brand elements to prospective students and external audiences. The Strategic Marketing & Communication is available to you to help create marketing materials for external marketing and recruitment needs. A series of templates is also available for internal audiences online. All materials, prior to printing or production, should be submitted to Strategic Marketing & Communication for review and approval.  Questions regarding this kit can be directed to Chris Knudson, chief marketing officer and director of Strategic Marketing & Communication.

Brand Guidelines Overview
Download the full brand guidelines document above for full details.

A logo creates a unique identifier that is not easily confused with another brand or institution. Its primary goal is to identify Wartburg College.

Behind the Logo

The simple “double-V” W letterform is transformed into a unique visual mark that merges hints of the history and heritage of the Wartburg Castle, our namesake, with bold linear styling.

Two overlapping V’s create the W letterform, while a tower rises from the center, extending above the top of the letterform, just like the actual South Tower of the Wartburg Castle. The illustration style is meant to elicit the idea of a castle without having to know the Wartburg Castle in particular, making it easily recognizable. Simple crenelation atop the tower provides this effect without intricate detail. The two overlapping Vs reflect the tenants of leadership and service, part of the college’s mission.

Wartburg Monogram Explained

Primary logos are available to the public and campus offices. Other variations may be used in certain applications as determined by Strategic Marketing & Communication. Do not modify primary artwork in an attempt to create variations. Strategic Marketing ^ Communication can supply official artwork if approved.

Wartburg College manages its brand, name, logo and images (which are trademarked) for identity consistency and brand governance. Our licensing program helps us consistently apply our policy.

Logo Downloads

Visit to download the official institution logo and guidelines.

Wartburg Logo Versions Grid

In addition to the logos and elements used to create the Wartburg College brand, color and typography play a big role in establishing a consistent look and feel. Please download the Branding Guidelines above for complete details.

Brand Color System
Color is an essential part of our brand’s visual identity. It helps us create a distinct look, create affinity, and celebrate our history.

We are orange at our core. Orange is the most recognizable part of our brand and is an important factor in making us stand out from the crowd.

Much like the color, we aim to be friendly, accessible, and vibrant. The youthful energy of the color reflects the positive, can-do attitude of our students, faculty, and staff. Orange offers the energy of red and the happiness of yellow for a strong, confident hue.

Learn more about our color system and color usage in the full guide.

Brand Color Systems

Brand Logotype

Custom type connects Wartburg’s rich history and mission.Type on the page should contrast with the brand logotype, not match it.

Why sans serif?
The logotype is inspired by mid-1800s sans serif fonts that were used to express new ideas and advances in mathematics, science, and literature, which became popular in Germany near the time of Wartburg College’s founding. The type feels familiar because this movement in typographical trends became the basis for the reprisal of sans serifs in the mid-1950s. During that time, Helvetica, one of the most ubiquitous fonts of modern time, came into cultural relevance as seen across countless brands and movements — notably McDonald’s, Target, 3M, Microsoft, Pepsi, Jeep, Panasonic, AT&T, and more.

Brand LogoType
Brand Font Avenir
Brand Font Garamond

Desktop Fonts

If you’re making materials for Wartburg College, please make every effort to use the correct fonts for brand consistency.
PC users: Please use Avenir Next LT Pro as the sans serif for both headlines and text. It is available as a Windows and Office download. Please use Garamond as the sans serif for both headlines and text. It is available as a Windows and Office download.
Mac users: Avenir should be available as part of the MacOS, but can also be purchased at from Monotype. Garamond Premier Pro is available from Adobe Creative Cloud. ITC Garamond and Adobe Garamond are suitable alternatives.

Icons, Profile Graphics & Avatars

On various sites, you may have the use to create a profile image that you want to be something representative of Wartburg College as a whole instead of as you personally. In those instances, these icon-based images may be used as short-hand for the Wartburg College brand.

As each site varies, a standard square image of 600×600 pixels has been provided. Click the image to open a new window with the selected image. To save it to your computer, right-click and choose Save As.    

Wartburg Slate Monogram on Orange Background
Wartburg Orange Monogram on Slate Background
Wartburg Orange Flag Monogram on Slate Background

Banner Graphics

On your Facebook and Linkedin pages, you may wish to display a Wartburg College banner. Below is a standard option for both platforms.

Click the image to open a new window with the selected image. To save it to your computer, right-click and choose Save As.    

Wartburg College Facebook Cover Image with Flag – 851 x 360 px
Wartburg College Facebook Cover Image with Flag – 851 x 360 px
Wartburg College Facebook Cover Image with Monogram – 851 x 360 px
Wartburg College Facebook Cover Image with Monogram – 851 x 360 px
Linkedin Banner Graphic with Flag Logo
Linkedin Banner Graphic with Flag Logo
Linkedin Banner Graphic with Monogram Logo
Linkedin Banner Graphic with Monogram Logo

Desktop and Virtual Backgrounds
Use these images to elevate your workspaces.  Click the image to open a new window with the selected image. To save it to your computer, right-click and choose Save As.    

Wartburg Flag Gradient 3840x2160 Background
Wartburg Flag Gradient 3840x2160 Background
Wartburg Slate Flag 3840x2160 Background
Wartburg Slate Flag 3840x2160 Background
Wartburg Flag 3840x2160 Background
Wartburg Flag 3840x2160 Background
Wartburg Monogram Gradient 3840x2160 Background
Wartburg Monogram Gradient 3840x2160 Background

Looking for Templates?
Templates are available for campus offices only.
A login is required.

New Branding Templates

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