What is the Wartburg College Honor Code?
The Honor Code is a statement of academic responsibilities that Wartburg College students agree to support. The revised Wartburg College Honor Code was written in 2019 by the Honor Council and approved by the Student Senate to embody the values of integrity and trust that are fundamental to Wartburg College. 

Why do we need an honor code at Wartburg?
The Honor Code reinforces the academic conduct rules present in the Student Handbook. The Honor Code is in place to serve as a constant reminder of the academic expectations of students. It is also to remind students of the code that they agreed to follow when they signed the Honor Book.

How will the honor code be enforced?
The Honor Code is implemented by a group of nine students, the Honor Council. If a faculty member has a concern about cheating in their class, they may give the case over to the Honor Council. The council will then make a recommendation as to whether or not they feel that the individual is guilty of cheating. If this conclusion is reached, the Honor Council will pass along their recommendation to the professor. The professor can then choose to take their own course of action or they can take the council’s recommendation of failure. 

“By attending Wartburg College, students are demonstrating their dedication to the Honor Code. The Honor Code reminds students of their responsibilities to promote academic honesty by opposing cheating and plagiarism and reporting dishonest work.”

Honor Code Facts:

  • The Wartburg College Honor Code was originally written in 1996 by the Student Senate Academic Policies Committee.
  • Faculty supports the honor code by reminding students of their responsibilities to the Honor Code before tests and quizzes.
  • Wartburg College students sign the Honor Book during their first year.
  • The Honor Book with all of the signatures is on display at Vogel Library.
  • The Honor Code is implemented by the Honor Council.
  • The Honor Council is composed of students from each class who meet to discuss policies and promote the Honor Code.

Questions for Honor Council? Email honorcouncil@wartburg.edu

“Students, faculty, and staff of Wartburg College are expected to demonstrate integrity in all endeavors. Students are expected to adhere to four essential principles:

Submit only original work and properly cite ideas of others, including fellow students.

Report any act that violates these principles.

Refrain from giving or receiving unauthorized aid on examinations and assignments.

Ask for clarification if uncertain about the expectations on a particular assignment.

Students are responsible for abiding by these principles and opposing academic dishonesty in all academic endeavors.”

Types of Honor Code Violations

There are seven types of academic violations: cheating, tendering of information, plagiarism, collusion, misrepresentation, bribery, abetting dishonesty, and other violations including but not limited to:


  • Copying homework assignments from another student.
  • Working together on a take-home test or homework when not permitted by the instructor.
  • Looking at and receiving information from another student’s paper during an examination.
  • Looking at and using notes during an examination when not specifically permitted.


  • Giving your work to another student to be copied.
  • Providing answers to another person for exam questions before, after, or during an exam.
  • Giving or selling a term paper or any work that is to be handed in to the instructor.


  • Copying homework from a text to hand in for a grade.
  • Quoting text or other works on an exam, term paper, or homework without citations.
  • Handing in a paper acquired from a research service, data bank or other people’s past works.
  • Retyping someone’s paper and handing it in as your own.
  • Incorrectly citing resources for written assignments.


  • Planning with one or more students to commit any form of academic dishonesty.
  • Giving your term paper or any other work to another student whom you suspect will plagiarize it.
  • Unauthorized collaboration of aid in any academic work.


  • Having another student do your work for you.
  • Lying to your professor to increase your grade.
  • Having another student take an exam for you.
  • Submitting the same work for a grade in two different courses without permission from the course instructors.
  • Misrepresentation of the amount or type of work done.
  • Altering a graded work after it has been returned, and then submitting it for re-grading without the instructor’s knowledge.


  • Offering money or any item or service to a faculty member or another person to gain academic advantage for yourself or another student.                                                           


  • Observing cheating on an examination without reporting it to the faculty member.
  • Passing answers for a test from one student to another via any mode of communication. (e.g. texting, online communities such as Facebook, etc.)
  • Knowing about plagiarism by another student on a paper without reporting it to a faculty member.
  • Assisting a student in buying a paper from a research service.