Finding consonance in her field

NAME: Emma Evans-Peck 


MAJOR: Music therapy 

CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: Music therapist, Healing Rhythms Music Therapy

WHAT DO YOU DO AT HEALING RHYTHMS: I am a board-certified music therapist for Healing Rhythms Music Therapy. I also contract with Mayo Clinic hospice and lead several older adult groups in the community.

HOW DID WARTBURG PREPARE YOU FOR YOUR FUTURE: The music therapy academic track is incredible in that it allows you a lot of field experience. This really prepared me for my internship and my career. I already had an idea of what it was like to practice as a music therapist with the safety net of a supervisor. The transition from student to intern to professional was so much smoother because of the experience I gained during my practicum placements.

Emma Evans-Peck

HOW DID WARTBURG RESOURCES PREPARE YOU OUTSIDE OF YOUR COURSEWORK: The accessibility of professors and staff helped me learn that it’s okay to ask for help! The professors and the staff I worked with were so supportive of me, and knowing they were available to assist me has taught me that these resources will always be there if I ask for them. I also utilized the counseling services at Wartburg, which helped me navigate the multidimensional world of college and also set me up to be successful outside of college.

HOW WERE YOU INVOLVED AS A STUDENT: I was involved in Castle Singers, V-Day (including The Vagina Monologues), Wartburg Student Music Therapy Association, and Pinnacle, and I worked for the Neumann Crew and The Wartburg Store. These activities were important to me because they helped me find a balance between my academic work and my other interests, which is still something I am working on! I was able to find enjoyment in music with the performance groups, find a passion for feminist causes, and learn to be responsible financially with jobs.

WHAT OPPORTUNITIES HAVE YOU HAD TO PURSUE SOMETHING YOU WERE PASSIONATE ABOUT: There are so many, so I’ll stick to one that is related to my career and one related to outside interests. With the help of my academic adviser and the directors of Wartburg West, I had the incredible opportunity to partner with a business in Denver, Colo., and observe 12 different music therapists over the course of three weeks. It opened my eyes to the wonder that is music therapy outside of the classroom and also exposed me to possibilities as a practicing music therapist. I also became involved in the American Association of University Women (AAUW) at Wartburg with the help of Sheree Covert. I became a leader in the V-Day campaign, attended monthly meetings in the Waverly community, and was sent to the National Conference for Collegiate Women Student Leaders. I was able to explore women’s issues and glean information from fellow attendees and presenters.

WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU NEVER THOUGHT YOU WOULD DO BEFORE COMING TO WARTBURG: I never thought I would travel to Europe twice and to Denver, Colo., and feel secure doing so without my family. I was essentially alone in Denver and really found out how to live on my own, which was a huge reassurance to me as a young adult.

WHY WAS WARTBURG WORTH IT: I have grown so much through my time at Wartburg. There have been difficult times, but with the support of friends, family, and the Wartburg community, I made it through my undergraduate work and was able to dive right into the professional world feeling secure in myself and my education. In addition, the connections have made it worth it. I mean, my boss is a Wartburg alum, which is how I found my job!  

WHAT ADVICE DO YOU HAVE FOR CURRENT STUDENTS: Breathe and try to live in the moment as much as possible. The future is scary but fixating on that will only lead you to miss out on what’s right in front of you. Also, your education has prepared you greatly for the professional world, but you are still learning. It’s okay to make mistakes.